By Alyssa Stoner
December 17, 2022
Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and Twitter –What do these social media platforms have in common? They form a puzzle piece (social media marketing) that makes up ‘digital marketing.’ Social media is not only the present, but the future. When it comes to creating a winning digital marketing strategy for your business, it’s time to stop pondering on what the future might bring in the marketing world, but start proactively embracing new technology and ideas. Even though marketing has deep roots in business history with its static and one-way communication, digital marketing is a dynamic method and practice to increase brand awareness, as well as drive web traffic. With the explosion of digital technology, new marketing tactics were developed, and digital marketing was born! Digital marketing refers to any marketing methods created through electronic devices. This includes online marketing conducted on the internet which increases leverage for big or small businesses. During the process, a business might pull websites, search engines, blogs, social media, videos, and email to reach clientele and consumers. These days, screen time has sky rocketed and is at an all time high. Devices are used all day, every day. Digital marketing takes advantage of this, promoting products and services across the internet. Successful marketing strategies based on digital marketing involve a blend of different methods, such as online advertising, SEO, pay-per-click, social media, email promotion, content creation and PR. Digital marketing helps prospective customers find businesses during every day activity from their phone or computer –scrolling through social media platforms, reading online articles, watching videos, scanning ads, etc. This type of natural and regular behavior benefits the commerce world because it helps promote services and products. The process for creating and implementing a digital marketing strategy involves steps and considerations, but can easily be done with experimentation and a budget. Every company is different, and has its own goals. Choose the best marketing channels, isolate target customers with a strong demographic, solidify sales process online, optimize your digital assets for mobiles, create engaging content and make necessary adjustments. Overall, digital marketing is defined by using digital tactics and channels to connect with consumers where they spend most of their time –online. 239-362-3839